Supervision week: 19-23 June 2023 / Felügyeleti hét: 2023. június 19-23
Dear Parents,
We would like to inform you that 19-23 June 2023 will be a supervision week in our school where children will take part in different activities and games with the supervision of duty teachers from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. We would like to kindly ask you to fill in the questionnaire below by 7 June the latest regarding whether you would like to bring your child to school on the given week. More information is to be provided shortly.
Family Day of Teddy's Club and Szeged IPS / A Teddy's Club és a Szeged IPS közös családi napja
Dear Parents,
We gladly invite you to the Family Day of Teddy's Club and Szeged IPS where we can spend some quality time together with you and the kids. We would appreciate it if you can provide us with some snacks and drinks.
Place and date: Eko-Park (Szeged, Fürj utca 92.), 10 June 2023, Saturday, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Participation fee: HUF 1000/head (includes the lunch, pizza), which can be payed either at Eko-Park or Teddy's Club (Ms Csilla)
We would like to kindly ask you to fill in the questionnaire below regarding your participation at our Family Day by 2 June, Friday the latest. More information is to be provided shortly.
End-of-Year Ceremony and Graduation celebration / Tanévzáró és ballagási ünnepség
Dear Parents,
We kindly invite you to the End-of-Year Ceremony and first Graduation celebration of Szeged International Primary School. Please find the details below:
Date and time: Saturday, 17 June 2023, 10:00-11:30 AM
Place: Petőfi-telepi Művelődési Ház (Szeged, Szántó Kovács János utca 28.)
Reminder: Parents' Evening 25 May / Emlékeztető: Fogadóóra május 25-én
Dear Parents,
We would like to remind you that on 25 May, in accordance with our Calendar, we're going to have parents' evening in our school where you'll have the opportunity to speak privately to each of your child’s teachers if you wish to. On the link attached, you will have to book a 15-minute time slot with the teachers you wish to talk to. Bookings take place on a first come, first served basis so if only specific times suit you, please book them early.
Pentecost Monday / Pünkösdhétfő
Dear Parents,
We would like to remind you that 29 May is Pentecost Monday, hence there will be no teaching in our school.
Kind regards,
Dóra Farkas
Kedves Szülők!
Ezúton szeretnénk emlékeztetni Benneteket, hogy pünkösdhétfőn, május 29-én iskolánkban nem lesz tanítás.
Farkas Dóra
International Day of Families / A család nemzetközi napja
Dear Parents,
We would like to remind you that today afternoon, 22 May 2023, from 2:15 to 5:00 PM we are going to celebrate International Day of Families in our school where children can introduce their own countries and nationalities by making presentations/posters, listening to international songs and wearing clothes representative of their nations. We would appreciate it if you could provide us with some food/snacks/drinks typical of your nation so we can have a picnic together with you and the children from 3 PM in the school's garden.
Family Day at Eko-Park / Családi nap az Eko-Parkban
Dear Parents,
We would like to remind you that on 10th June, Saturday, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM we are going to have Family Day at Eko-Park together with Teddy's Club. We will keep you informed on further update.We can't wait to meet you there!
Kind regards,
Szeged IPS Team
Kedves Szülők!
Szeretnénk emlékeztetni Benneteket, hogy június 10-én, szombaton 10:00-17:00 órakor Családi napot tartunk a Teddy's Clubbal közösen az Eko-Parkban. További részletekről hamarosan tájékoztatunk Benneteket.
Már alig várjuk, hogy ott találkozzunk!
a Szeged IPS csapata
Parents' Evening 25 May / Fogadóóra május 25-én
Dear Parents,
We would like to inform you that on 25 May, in accordance with our Calendar, we're going to have parents' evening in our school where you'll have the opportunity to speak privately to each of your child’s teachers if you wish to. On the link attached, you will have to book a 15-minute time slot with the teachers you wish to talk to. Bookings take place on a first come, first served basis so if only specific times suit you, please book them early.
Postponed / Elhalasztva
Dear Parents,
We would like to inform you that tomorrow's International Day of Families is postponed for next Monday, 22nd May due to the rainy weather conditions.
Thank you for your understanding!
Kind regards,
Dóra Farkas
Kedves Szülők!
Szeretnénk tájékoztatni Benneteket, hogy a holnapi családi nemzetközi napot jövő hétfőre, május 22-re halasztjuk az esős időjárás miatt.
International Day of Families / A család nemzetközi napja
Dear Parents,
We would like to inform you that on Monday, 15 May 2023, from 2:15 to 5:00 PM we are going to celebrate International Day of Families in our school where children can introduce their own countries and nationalities by making presentations/posters, listening to international songs and wearing clothes representative of their nations. We would appreciate if you could provide us with some food/snacks/drinks typical of your nation so we can have a picnic together with you and the children from 3 PM in the school's garden.
Kedves Szülők, kedves Gyerekek!
A Szegedi Nemzetközi Általános Iskola nyílt napot szervez az érdeklődők számára, 2023. március 23-án délután fél 5-től,a Lidicei tér 1. iskolaépületében.
A nyílt napon bemutatkozik az iskola vezetősége és pedagógusai, Vida Ibolya tanárnő, a leendő elsősök osztályfőnöke.
Lehetőség lesz megtekinteni az osztálytermeket és bemutatjuk az iskola IPC/IMYC tantervek szerinti oktatási módszerét.
Kérjük a résztvételi szándékukat a hivatkozott űrlapon jelezzék.
További információ:
+36 70 799 8256
Dear Parents, dear Students!
Szeged International Primary School is organizing an open day for those interested, on March 23 2023, from 4:30 p.m., at Lidicei tér 1. in the school building.
During the event, the school's management and teachers, including Ibolya Vida, who will be the class teacher for future first graders, will introduce themselve
Kimeneti mérés
7. évfolyam szövegértés-matematika
2023.03.27., 9:00
Kimeneti mérés
7. oszály: természettudomány-angol
2023.03.23., 9:00
Bake Sale to Support Ukrainian Refugees
2Grades 5 and 6 students decided to do what they can to help Ukrainian refugees. They planned to bake cookies and brownies to sell so as to raise money for the refugees. They did just that!
After doing amazing team work in baking delicious cookies and brownies, they organized and hosted a bake sale event, and managed to raise 200,000 HUF for the refugees.
We are all very impressed! Well done, kids; this was an admirable achievement!
Thank you to the teachers assisting them, as well!
Latest safety measures
Infection precautions
To try to keep our school as safe as we can, we ask parents not to enter the school building when dropping off, or picking up their child, unless absolutely necessary. Teachers will help if it is needed to deliver children and their belongings to parents, who we kindly ask to wait outside of the playground entrance. Pre-school parents can wait at the back door but are allowed to step inside the dressing area to assist their children.
We also kindly ask all parents and visitors to wear a mask inside the building.
Math Competition
Proud to present Grade 4 team, ‘Matekokosok’ with Miss Betti and their certificates for 3rd place at the Bolyai Mathematics Team Competition.
Great work, well done!
Trips, events and more
A new photoalbum Trips, events and more was added to gallery
"Learn to learn, love to learn, live to learn"
Szeged International Primary School is a multicultural international school following the IPC and IMYC curricula, offering quality education to children aged 5-13. subjects, with the exception of Hungarian, are all taught in English.
no data to display yetPhotogallery
no data to display yetCanteen menu
- Thursday05. 12.
- Breakfastno data to display yet
- Lunchno data to display yet
- Snackno data to display yet
- Friday06. 12.
- Breakfastno data to display yet
- Lunchno data to display yet
- Snackno data to display yet
- addInfo01. 01.
- Closed