• Tuition contributions for the academic year of 2023/2024 and 2024/2025


      Tuition contribution

      for 10 months


      school year


      school year


      160.000 Ft/month

      160.000 Ft/month

      Grades 1-2

      240.000 Ft/month

      180.000 Ft/month

      Grades 3-4              

      240.000 Ft/month

      200.000 Ft/month

      Grades 5-8

      260.000 Ft/month

      240.000 Ft/month

      Registration fee

      120.000 Ft

      120.000 Ft


      Payment frequency discount:

      • Semester payment discount: 2%
      • Yearly payment discount: 4%

      Sibling discount:

      • 1st child: -

      • 2nd child: 30%

      • 3rd child: 60% for 2023/2024, 50% for 2024/2025

      Most afternoon clubs are included in the price. The parental contribution fees do not include meals, your child's school equipment or textbooks.